Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Elephant Room...

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Being at The Village Church today for the elephant room simulcast, has been great! James MacDonald, Perry Noble, David Platt, Steven Furtick, Greg Laurie, Matt Chandler, and Mark Driscoll. Some really great conversations on a variety of topics. Everything from multiple-site churches to how we preach the gospel. It's great to see guys on the same team pound on some issues, be honest, and champion the gospel! I hope and pray some day soon we can have these candid serious conversations in our city with people we lock arms with and challenge each other as leaders of The church!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

ReGeneration Blog

From Merriam Webster:
mafia : a group of people likened to the Mafia; especially : a group of people of similar interests or backgrounds prominent in a particular field or enterprise : clique
Gospel : the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation;: something accepted or promoted as infallible truth or as a guiding principle or doctrine
regenerate : to become formed again; to become regenerate : reform; to undergo regeneration; a: to subject to spiritual regeneration b : to change radically and for the better; c : to generate or produce anew; especially : to replace (a body part) by a new growth of tissue; d : to restore to original strength or properties there you go...